Thursday, January 28, 2010

My First day as a blogger

I was excited about the prospect of finally learning HTML and I decided that blogging was going to be the best way for me to get started. I've been unemployed for about seven months now and after reading endless job descriptions about skills that I don't possess, I thought I would get started on learning something new.

As it turns out, I've also taken up taiko (Japanese drumming). I've always wanted to learn it but I never had the time with my job and busy schedule. I've been taking classes since November last year and even though it's not in the best neighborhood and it's quite a trek to drive there, I've been committed the last few months. Tonight however, during my taiko lesson, a kid came into the studio, stole my purse along with all my keys and my wallet. I was about 10 minutes into my taiko lesson when this happened and the rest of the night was spent dealing with the mess. I spoke to the cops, my credit card companies, my landlord and had to get a classmate to drive me home to get my spare key so that I could pick up my car. Of course when I got back to my car, the alarm went off and I couldn't start my car. (I only had one remote controller which of course was stolen) A bit of advice: Keep some tools in your car because it may be the only way you can disarm your alarm to start the car. Luckily my classmate had some tools in his car and he disconnected the battery which disarmed the alarm and I could finally start the car. The only problem is that I'll have to do it again every time I lock the car because it arms the car again...
Needless to say, I'll be going to the dealers tomorrow for new keys and possibly a new alarm code. I'm wondering how much that will set me back.

Other things I learned. The police man told me that there are three easy to use websites that you should register for a fraud alert to to make sure that your name and information is not used for fraud:


He advised me to register tonight and check again in 30-60 days, 6 months and then one year. He also said that once you register at one, the other two will update your information as well since they all work together.

Tonight, unfortunately I will have to sit tight since my landlord has informed me that he will not be able to change my locks tonight and that it might take until the weekend. I guess it's a good thing I don't have a job so at least I won't get robbed.

I have a rickety old couch in front of the door.'s probably not going to stop intruders but hopefully I'll get some shut eye.

This is my first day as a blogger. I promise my posts will be more interesting in the future. I felt the need to vent so I suppose my blog served it's purpose tonight.

p.s. please stay tuned if you have a love for cooking. I will be writing loads of stuff on cheap but tasty recipes!

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