Sunday, January 31, 2010

Stretching for Life

Last summer I decided to make stretching part of my daily routine for the rest of my life. I have to admit that I haven't been doing it every single day for the last six months, but I've been pretty good about doing it almost every day. The reason why I decided to start stretching is because I went home for a visit and shared a room with my gran for the summer who got me stretching every night before I went to bed. She is 85 years old and can kick my butt when it comes to stretching. Well...let my back up a little bit. Since I can remember, she's been able to kick my butt in stretching. I remember when I was 12 years old and she could do these stretch moves that I couldn't do (pretty sad huh?) but being 12 years old I got bored and forgot about it after one or two tries.

I'm not sure what made me finally decide to stick with it this time other than the fact that my mom is also stretching every day and she's never been more flexible than me. We're a competitive family I guess.

My grandmother told me that she started stretching when she was about 40 years old because she met an old man at her church who told her the secret to his youthful walk was stretching everyday. Have you ever met an old person who drags their feet because they can't pick up their feet anymore? Apparently stretching helps to prevent this. My grandmother's youthful walk was enough proof for me to get started on stretching.

Here are a few of the simple stretching exercises for your legs that she taught me:

hamstring stretch

This is your basic hamstring stretch but one of the most important. I usually try to hold it for 20 seconds and then do a few other stretches and come back to this one.

2. Do the hamstring stretch standing up. Although it seems like you're stretching the same area, you'll notice a difference in the type of stretch you get.


I had to draw the one because I couldn't find an images online that was close to what this exercise looked like. If you're doing this for the first time you'll want to start out with just stretching your legs and don't try to push your head forward. After you get used to it you can start to try to touch your forehead to the floor. Make sure you keep your knees on the floor and your heels should be as close to you as can. According to my grandmother this one is the most important one to keep her walk nice and light.

4. Quad stretches are a basic stretch and also help with the hamstring stretch. I like this one because they really help you loosen up your legs before doing any type of exercise.


This is the side of hip, hamstrings

1. Sit on floor with right leg straight out in front
2. Bend the left leg, cross your left foot over and place it outside of your right knee
3. Pull left knee across body toward opposite shoulder
4. Hold 10 to 20 seconds
5. Repeat on other side

6. Stretches lower back, side of hip, and neck

1. Sit on floor with left leg straight out in front
2. Bend right leg, cross right foot over, place outside left knee
3. Bend left elbow and rest it outside right knee
4. Place right hand behind hips on floor
5. Turn head over right shoulder, rotate upper body right
6. Hold 10 to 15 seconds
7. Repeat on other side

I recommend you also do other types of stretches such as arm stretches or back stretches.

Happy stretching!

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