Friday, February 5, 2010


I finally went to see Avatar. A bunch of my friends already saw it and had different things to say about it. Most of them said it was good and that I should see it, one said it was magical and another said it was funny because of the blue people. I just had to see it for myself. I thought the story line was pretty simple and to the point. I think most people can make a prediction early on as to what is going to happen. The magic was in the 3D technology. The scenes were carefully chosen so that you could experience the 3D to its fully effect. There were many scenes were you felt like you were soaring in the sky along with the characters and you could almost reach out and touch them.

Seeing it on IMAX also made a huge difference because it made you feel like you were being pulled into the movie. After looking up some information on peripheral vision here's what I found:

Peripheral vision starts at the end of central vision and extends to 60 degrees up, 75 degrees down, 60 degrees nasally and 100 degrees temporally. To see how this looks please view the image:

Peripheral Vision

I have a feeling this movie will be out for a while. How long was Titanic out in the theaters? I'm not so sure how long it will remain in IMAX so I'd see it on IMAX if you get the chance.

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